Sunday, October 10, 2010

Why Eve Ate the Apple

Let's face it.  We should have known back in the day that women would forever be the ones who struggled with their weight.  I mean, was it not EVE who gave into the carb craving and ate the Apple???  The writing was on the wall.  Now a "bit" later on in years, here I sit struggling with my relationship with that apple.  The apple represents carbs to me.  It represents that food group that is completely confusing to me.  They tell me that its healthy to eat fruits and vegetables (like anyone ever worries about those).  And it might be but I also know that when I "eat" carbs and sweet things, I turn into someone that I believe will spend eternity with that snake in hell.  I am CRAZY.

I have been heavy all my life.  Well actually there was about 2 minutes before I found out I was pregnant with my first child that I "thin".  I will forever be thankful that my brother chose to marry during that small window of time so there are family portraits capturing me in all my glory.  However, most of the rest of the time, I've been "some version" of heavy.  Sometimes heavier than other times but by all standards of our cultlure...heavy.  I've tried low carb diets and have had lots of relief from cravings and hunger.  Its a bit like heaven actually not having to think about food or feel hungry for hours at a time.  I get giddy just thinking about it.  But it doesn't last.  I eat something (just one thing) and it all goes by the wayside.  I completely understand why alcoholics do not ever drink casually. 

Yet I desire to feed my body well in this next phase of my life.  Of course I would like to be a size 12 (okay, I would probably lose my mind I could fit easily into a size 14).  You see, I look really good at size 12-14.  I know that in our culture that is still considered fat but I can live with it.  Heck, I would celebrate it at this stage of my life.  I would be able to say on that I was "average".  Truly the average size in America is a size 14.  Deal with it.

So I am going to begin my nutrition phase during Genesis.  I am going to take all my 50 years of knowledge and put it into one food plan.  I am going to focus on FEELING good instead of LOOKING good.  I mean, the truth is simply that I'm 50 and my beauty (if it ever existed) is certainly not peaking so I might as well "FEEL" for the rest of my life. 

My chosen plan looks something like this:
Breakfast: protein, oatmeal (has to be oatmeal)
Snack: fruit/almonds
Lunch: protein, veggies, grain
Snack: protein shake/fruit
Dinner:protein, veggies
Eve: decaf green tea

My God, I'm sick just looking at it.  I know it isn't sexy but at the same time, I've eaten this way and I feel so good when I do.  I will exercise as well but that will have to be a different post. 

Rest of my I come....10/11/10 will be my 3,576 DAY ONE.

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