Sunday, October 10, 2010


I am not sure what is causing me to think that it is a good idea to put my thoughts out to the world.  My experience is that no one really cares what anyone else thinks about.  What we care about is that someone is listening to us.  I believe that we are a society in need of attention and in our own attempt to get it, we often deprive others from receiving it.  

I am a 50 year old woman.  The questions that I'm asking as I enter a new phase in my journey were not at all what I thought they would be.  I feel like this is the beginning, my genesis if you will.  I am in a position to create something new, start over if you will.  My 20 year marriage ended a few years ago.  I became a single parent of 3 glorious children and I am beginning to see the end is in sight when they are all off and doing whatever God has planned for them.  So I am in my 7 days.  My Genesis.

This blog will be about all that I can consider to be my "daily bread".  It will be about food (issues I have had since memory was formed), it will be about my spirituality and my connection with God, it will be about work and my kids and men or the lack of will simply be about all that I consider to be what I need or desire to nurture myself.  

I am in my 7 days...and much like the the scholars who don't really know if 7 days in Genesis were 24 hour days or some other type of time frame,...I don't know how long my 7 days will be either.  What I do know is I have four years before I'm a complete empty nester.....Is that enough time to create my new beginning?  We'll see.  

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