Saturday, October 23, 2010


Let's start with a little's 10:52 a.m. on Saturday and I just got up about 30 minutes ago.  I'm not talking about being awake and lounging in bed...I'm talking about JUST w o k e  UP.  Yes, that was what my week was like.  In my defense, Rachel was asleep too.  I'm pathetic, I'm using my 15 year old daughter's habits to justify my own.  I use Rachel because she is a morning person and her idea of sleeping in is 8:00 a.m.  To sum up....we are tired women.

I'm exhausted because of the stress of life.  I had a week where I was in meetings or work sessions all week with heated discussion and lots of people.  I had a very stressful district volleyball game where my Panthers tried their best to let the other team win but luckily the other team wasn't ready to accept the gift and the Panthers will move into another round of district play.  One of my dearest friends had a baby boy that took all day to accomplish  (not all stressors are bad news).  I fed my body trash all week which stresses out my organs and my brain and causes me such physical and emotional pain.  But the one thing I want to talk about is the call I received from Jake Friday morning.

Jake was at the Michigan game and got a migraine and so he threw up before he got on the bus and then slept the whole way home.  He got an e-mail yesterday calling him into the Dean of Students to answer a complaint that he was intoxicated and passed out.  Really?  This young man who has never had a drink in his life?  Really?  This young man who spends his time at church or in the library (not that Christians aren't terrible drunks mind you).  Really?  I'm not sure what the process is because it makes no sense to me.  Confront him on the bus for crying out loud.  See that you cannot smell alcohol....see that the guy he's been with all day isn't drunk or smells like liquor.  Get it done then.  What do you do now?  He isn't worried because as he says "I have truth on my side".  Of course his mother who is older and WAY more cynical immediately begins thinking about all the men who are incarcerated and innocent.  Yea, TRUTH is all you need buddy.

The last thing he said to me was "Mom, I'll put on a tie, pray before I go in that God give me the words to show them who I am and it will be fine".  I'm thinking.....oh baby boy, we need a better plan than that!!!  I'm thinking medical records to prove the migraines, signed affidavits from really important people who know him that would speak to his character....I'm going BIG TIME here.  

When I sit and think about it.......prayer is really all you need.  If we sit with God, he will direct us to what we need to do, he will supply us with the words, the answers, the light....he will provide.  

James 1:5  If any of you lack wisdom, you should pray to God and he will give it to you.
1 John 5:14 We have courage in God's presence, because we are sure that he hears us if we ask him for anything that is according to his will.

My kid is so smart.  

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